Self Ex - Trac Table - Virtual Browser Object Orientated Operating Privacy System

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Captain’s speaking: Start of line 0

These are some notes nearby given into the knowledge of public.

Get some notes of inspired mind…

So congratualations first, that you found to be here right now! Top all these followings, based on the question about a virtual operating system, that runs on any popular devices. So the mission was a research the best way for as first. Evaluated Options were differently ways and requirements. So finally the base would be a webkit-compatible HTML file, that includes anything to start out to anything else.

This is a very very crazy kind of all in one!

Let’s take a look inside of how to hell the code is constructed…

Not just our homelands for, we start at the dance in plain/html. Here may nothing to be secret, to lets something to be secret for!

The privacy socks out of the base. The requirements inside a html-file allows data:base64 encoded content. So it can be used to pipe something through the src or value attributes. Here you will find just CSS and JavaScript, icons and images as included as parts of the parts. They are reduced to the minimal as required to the functional.

So secure the base there are the regular entries to prevent from XSS etc. It follows a frameset of multiple frames. Sure I could try the way of the grid, but thats not the same than a frameset. Short said, a every frame contains an own full functional browserwindow. Every of it its an autonomous, but syncable from async. To bring us the main stage of AES and SHA512 we use JavaScript from SRC inside BASE64 and DATASET into the SRC of FRAMES.

What happens from this?

If the file is damaged, the window may be white in the damaged area. Its a tactical multiple parallel serialized encapsulated of a reverse unpacking success. Thats it!

Some pretty minds into the base functional asset.

The basics that we need is be able to read, write, edit and delete data in memory. Simpliest kind of that will be a set of char, if a string is like a table.

Any DATA which would to be stored will be crypted in a DB without a password. So if somebody steal that DB, its a long long way to uncrypt successfully. Such as known, you never know, what you gonna get.

The great is the simple mind, that it runs on any popular device in even of the popular browsers. Inside the BASE is a frameset functional pack, a ghost will be in the hidden. No installation required, runs as standalone.

Captain’s speaking: End of line.

That’s all folks!

ps: It’s an own thing, a little bit unorthodox too. If you’re using it on a clean, autark browser, so your privacy my much more real than your regular browser. The encryption is a multilevel encapsulation on different keys. So the transport security through https is a formal act. Actually using AES-256 and SHA-512, maybe switchable later, if something better is available. By these way everybody can Start its own Crypted Universe without a provider of a service. I know, that the most pepole will construct their own Planetary.

The audience will run a own instance to itself. It may be configurable simpliest as possible for building a variform of Groups, Blogs, Chats and more within internal right-management. You may build own Networks out of the public giants. The parts are tricky to be realized behind the scene. The educational is change today up next level.


use strict;

… step by step …